Moving Sale
- Ready to Ship -
Fully functional units used for tradeshows
Must Go - Make an offer!
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For information your R&D Fixtures representative
or contact: [email protected]
Fold Down
Sneeze Guard
Our fold down sneeze guard doubles as insulated food pan cover - allowing product to be stored in the food pans at night. Available for use in several configurations including inline (as shown in images, right), or as part of our refrigerated sandwich food prep case. (hover image to see the sneeze guard in "down" position)
78" Tall Refrigerated
This taller version of our popular Grab-N-Go Refrigerated Merchandiser provides extra product display space to capture impulse sales. LED lighting and an optional Night Curtain are some of the energy efficient features.
Call or Email us today.
Email: [email protected]
Toll Free: 888- 827- 6820
Office: 615-758-1000 |
R&D Fixtures by Piper Products - Copyright © Piper Products, Inc.
300 South 84th Avenue - Wausau, WI 54401
Phone: (800) 544-3057 / (715) 842-2724 - FAX: (715) 842-3125